Residential Pricing for Asphalt Paving – 2023 Prices
Beiler Brothers Asphalt wants to give you some general information regarding pricing on paving projects. Please note that these prices are to be used only as guidelines and in no way constitute a quote for work on your project. There are dozens of factors that go into the price that a paving project costs, and the prices listed below are typical, but not guaranteed for any specific project.On this page we try to help you understand asphalt pricing, why mix prices vary, and how to choose the mix that fits for you. You can get a price calculation for your new driveway and calculate how much blacktop your driveway needs.
New Blacktop Package
Most Common Blacktop Package
Driveway Resurfacing Package
Driveway Overhaul Package

New Blacktop Package
The New Blacktop Package is perfect for non-paved surfaces when you are looking for our most affordable option. When we arrive at the project, we will:- Prepare the site
- Evenly distribute fine grade gravel for the base
- Compact the stone
- Pave with 3 inches compacted depth 19mm binder.
1,000 sqft = ~$3,300*
5,000 sqft = ~$11,000*
15,000 sqft = ~$30,000*
*Approximate Prices
Most Common Blacktop Package
The Most Blacktop Package we sell is perfect also perfect for non-paved surfaces. This option includes using two different asphalt mixes to provide a superior surface for your driveway, road, or parking area. When we arrive at the project, we will:
- Fine grade and compact the stone.
- Pave with 2 inches compacted depth 25mm binder.
- Pave with 1.5 inches compacted depth 9.5mm id-2 wearing.
1,500 sqft = ~$5000*
5,000 sqft = ~$12,500*
10,000 sqft = ~$23,000-$25,000*
*Approximate Prices

Driveway Resurfacing Package
If you have an existing driveway that is starting to get too rough on top, then the Driveway Resurfacing Package is right for you! We will:
- Mill or notch all driveway entrances or tie-ins to address drainage issues.
- Power-sweep the surface and dispose of asphalt millings offsite.
- Tack coat the surface.
- Pave with a1″ leveling course to increase ruggedness, durability, and smoothness.
- Pave with a 1.5″ wearing course.
1,500 sqft = ~$4,500-$5,500*
5,000 sqft = ~$11,000-$13,000*
*Approximate Prices

Driveway Overhaul Package
Feel like it is time to start fresh with your existing driveway? In our Driveway Overhaul Package we will:
- Remove 12 inches of the driveway and dispose somewhere local.
- Add 8 inches of stone. Fine grade and compact the stone.
- Pave with 4 inches of blacktop, 2 courses.
1,000 sqft = ~$6000*
2,500 sqft = ~$12,500-$14,500*
*Approximate Prices
Residential Paving: Pricing FAQs
- Calculate the square feet of your driveway.
- Divide by 9. This gives you the square yards.
- Multiply by the compacted depth(Ex: Multiply by 3 for 3 inches compacted depth)
- Multiply by 115. 115 is the number of compacted pounds per inch in a square yard of asphalt.
- Divide by 2000. 2000 is the number of pounds in a ton.
- This is how many tons you will need for your driveway.
- 25mm binder – $55-$68 per ton.
- 19mm modified binder $60-$72 per ton.
- 9.5mm id-2 wearing $66-$80 per ton.
- 6% of the mix design is in the oil, 94% is in the stone.
- Stone and oil prices, as well as inflation, make the price of asphalt fluctuate.
- A $1-$2 price swing in pay at the pump gas prices can affect the asphalt prices by 1-5%.
- Transporting aggregate long distances can increase the price of asphalt by 10-20%.
- Adding RAP (recycled asphalt products) to new asphalt lowers the price per ton.
- Virgin mix with no RAP(recycled asphalt products) is more expensive.
- Mix with 30% RAP is stiffer.
- RAP is often dusty and cools the new mix more quickly.
- High percentage RAP mixes are wonderful for leveling courses and binder coats.
- High percentage RAP mixes are almost always used on large projects to cut costs.
- High percentage RAP mixes are more durable but not as aesthetically pleasing.
- Mixes with low RAP content are oilier and more flexible.
- Mixes with low RAP content need greater aggregate base support.
- The primary costs are the mix, labor, and equipment.
- Mix costs are normally 30%-60% of the total job cost.
- Trucking costs are a significant factor.
- A driveway design with low RAP mix is generally more expensive.
- You will generally pay more for a company with a good reputation.
- Smaller paving contractors cut costs by operating older equipment.
- Large paving contractors generally have higher labor and equipment costs.
- Hire a company that you trust. Are they looking out for you?
- Pay more so you have more when you sell your home.
- A strong aggregate base is very important.
- Stone costs 25-35% the cost of asphalt.
- A heavy paver screed is important.
- A 1% decrease in air voids within the compacted mix increases the life by 10%.
- Consider paying more for better mix with low RAP content.
- Consider a binder coat in resurfacing applications.
- In resurfacing applications, a bonding agent between layers prevents potholes.
Our Company doesn’t offer seal coating services. But we know other companies that do, who seem to offer prices ranging from $0.20 – $0.40 per square foot.
- You can do it yourself with a brush and bucket of sealer.
- More expensive sealers last longer and often have additives.
- Coal tar sealer with additives and sand is a quality sealer.
- Nice paving jobs may never need sealer. Highways are never sealed.
- The general purpose of sealer is to seal cracks and make your driveway look good.
- Sealing too often creates sealer cracks.
- Sealing prevents condensation between the asphalt and air and keeps the asphalt more moist. This is most times not good.
- Spraying a driveway with sealer prevents pin holes(air trapped underneath the sealer escapes and creates pin holes).
- Sealing a driveway twice with a brush prevents pin holes.
Commercial Pricing for Asphalt Paving
General contractors and business owners need installations that stand the test of time and protect their investment. They want a finished product that is durable, smooth, rugged, and aesthetically pleasing, yet not too expensive. Beiler Brothers Asphalt meets those criteria and offers solutions for general contractors and business owners. See our commercial paving page for more photos.